
This is an ever-evolving story of a girl writer and her two greatest loves, the movies and travel. As she hikes the trenches of Hollywood, you're brought along for the ride.

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Pop-Up, Pop Art, and breathing new life into old headshots.

WHEN I'm not working a bazillion hours [like that 19-hour day this past Friday] I'm usually working on some sort of creative project.

One thing I particularly enjoy is making personal greeting cards. It's fun, it's relaxing, and the results make more of a statement than any commercial card ever could. I love manipulating paper and random images-- collage, making cut-outs, folding origami style.

HERE in L.A., people ask-- "Are you an actor?" all the time. I'm not. I've done some acting, I've taken classes, and at one point I thought it was something I wanted to do. I even got headshots-- a big ol' stack of 'em. Then, I quietly changed my mind. Not for me.

The big question remained:
What to do with all those headshots sitting in a box in the garage? Made of quality cardstock, I discovered that those old headshots provided a perfect base for some of my best greeting cards. Here are some of my favorites:

All of the cards highlighted on this page were made from my former headshots.

In that regard, I can honestly say that there's a little piece of me in every card I make.

© 2010 by KLiedle
Images/cards ©2010 by KLiedle

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