
This is an ever-evolving story of a girl writer and her two greatest loves, the movies and travel. As she hikes the trenches of Hollywood, you're brought along for the ride.

Thursday, September 5, 2013

When I'm not writing about movies, entertainment, or other areas of interest, you can find me collaging and making greeting cards.  (I go through quite a bit of Elmer's glue.)

 I typically make cards from recycled papers, words, and images.  Each card is one-of-a-kind and recipients are usually friends of mine.  It depends on the card, but most take as little as 30 minutes to make or as long as 2-3 hours, but I'm pretty meticulous about them.  Check out my cards at the links below: 

People in the past have commented that perhaps I should look into selling my cards.  Lately, I've been thinking more about that possibility.  I'd welcome any thoughts.  ~KL 

 Copyright ©2013 by KLiedle

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