[My dresser adorned with postcards from my collection in L.A.]
What’s beautiful about filming in an area outside the norm
of New York or Los Angeles is that people are generally excited about the
movie-making process. They’ve never
seen it in process.
Watching a movie being made is not as exciting as you
might expect. Basically, it’s just
watching a surprisingly large number of people stand around. Most of them are grumpy by the end of
the day because our days are extraordinarily long and by then no amount of
caffeine helps anymore.
Every now and then, of course, the film crew has a hustle
and bustle of activity. Then, it’s
like watching an aerial view of an ant colony at mealtime. It’s a sight to be seen, I suppose. Even when there’s absolutely nothing
going on, I’m always surprised at the number of people who watch and stare at
the film crew—as though they’re completely in awe.
I will say, the people here have made a huge difference. They aren’t jaded. They say ‘yes’
more often than they say ‘no.’ And they’ve been genuinely friendly and
accommodating. With the long
hours and the exhausting and all-consuming nature of filmmaking, that helps a
lot. In fact, the crew has
felt welcomed in town and the surrounding areas of this place we’re calling
home, at least temporarily.
Copyright © 2012 by KLiedle